

Central & Eastern European Game Awards, a companion event to the Game Industry Conference in Poznań (Poland) – one of the biggest CEE gaming industry events, is dedicated to selecting the best games produced in the region and acknowledge achievements of their developers in many different categories. For the 2021 edition of CEEGA, our latest title – Outriders – has won in the Technology category. Our Lead Online/Lead Gameplay Programmer, Jarosław Palczyński accepted the statue on behalf of the whole team responsible for creating Outriders.

We also wanted to thank every person involved in making Outriders possible, as well as all the players and fans who are supporting the game.


Recently we have invited Polygamia, one of the biggest Polish gaming outlets, to visit our HQ. On this occasion, they also had a chat with our CEO on Outriders, company’s growth, and making games during pandemic. Check that out!

Paweł Hekman: The excitement of Outriders’ release is behind us. Now it is time to tackle the challenge that I believe is even harder: to retain the players’ attention.

Sebastian Wojciechowski: It is no secret that we initially focused on fixing bugs and making improvements to the game. This effort continues. All major fixes have already been done and we focus on smaller but more frequent updates. As far as the future is concerned, we must be patient. We will be making particular announcements when the time comes.

The information that no royalties were paid by Square Enix stirred up quite a storm on the Internet. Perhaps we could explain what exactly happened.

I understand that the news evoked emotions, but I think some reactions were excessive. We did not receive royalties from the publisher on the date set in our agreement. As the CEO of a public company, I believe that this fact needed to be communicated to the investors, in particular because the market expected this information.

How does this situation affect your work? I imagine that the publisher’s inaction may be frustrating.

Inaction is a strong word. Besides, this sphere of our cooperation needs to be separated from the day-to-day project work. The latter proceeds at a normal pace and the teams on both sides cooperate very well.

Since we cannot talk about the future of “Outriders”, let us talk about the studio’s recent acquisitions. What is their purpose?

We orient ourselves towards North America because of the talent pool available there. We must take a hard look in the mirror and admit that the Polish market is relatively small. There are not many developers who have been involved in Triple-A productions. The market depth is also limited. In Warsaw there are, let’s say, two thousand developers. In Montreal there are twenty thousand. This is a factor that determines our growth. We are seeking studios and people with experience. On the other hand, we are having a keen eye for markets that offer us the potential for growing further. This is how we gain foothold to climb even higher.

People Can Fly is growing not only globally, but also locally. The team in Poland is quickly expanding.

This rate of growth is the effect of the quantity of projects and their scale, as well as our and our publishers’ appetite for delivering sizeable productions. We have two projects with two different partners: Square Enix and Take-Two Interactive. In our quarterly financial statements, we disclosed that we work on one more thing.

This third, mystery project involves self-publishing.

I believe that self-publishing is a natural path for every development studio as it reaches certain size. For us it is not even an alternate route, but a way to branch-out. We will continue our cooperation with external partners and self-publishing is just an addition to our business model. We are where we are today because we create good games and the natural next step is to try to keep a greater percentage of their profits which we otherwise must share with the publishers. Financially, we are currently capable of publishing one or more games ourselves.

The People Can Fly strategy is aligned with the more general trend observed in the industry. Historically, a studio would only work on one game at a time. Today, we see more and more studios trying to develop several games at the same time. What is the reason?

In our case, it is a consequence of the company’s growth and our geographical reach. Developing several projects within one studio is a serious challenge. The risk of cannibalizing own projects is very high and every studio which has attempted such a task will agree. We distribute our parallel development efforts among various locations, mainly to ensure that the responsibility for each process rests fully with one team.

Do you still play Outriders?

Not any more. However, I did play through the whole game several times. At first, it was a part of the feedback process. Playing for pleasure was a luxury I could afford after the launch.

I have always wondered if the creators play their own games after countless hours of intensive work before the release.

After the launch you can play with your family or friends who have never seen the game and observe their reactions. Also, putting your hands on the finished, boxed product is very enjoyable. In-house we also play the versions that have their issues or for a particular purpose, so the fun does not end with the release.

Have you suffered seriously from the pandemic?

I would not say “seriously”. Certainly, the pandemic and the lockdowns did not help. Luckily, all our systems have already been configured for remote work, so we did not have to readjust our pipelines dramatically. On the other hand, thanks to this situation we were able to identify opportunities to work with people who would otherwise be harder to cooperate with due to the distance. We are not planning to force anybody to go back to the office. We have learned to work remotely. Although to answer the question if the remote work is equally effective, we may yet need to consult our conscience.

Are you making any special preparations for another lockdown?

Today, we have many people, especially in Warsaw, who came back to the office and who obviously needed it. Not necessarily full time, but in a hybrid model. This is a sign that we are prepared for any scenario.

In “normal times” we would be in the middle of the “fair fever”, with E3 just behind us and Gamescom just ahead. Do you think those events will never come back? Or perhaps, due to the costs, their scale will change for good?

I think it is too early to answer this question, although it is an important one. No one would deny that the digital market is more profitable than physical distribution. What we observe today is a natural evolution in response to this pressure. Having said that, I think people still want to organize these big events and things such as fairs are not going away any time soon. They can be organized to some extent as virtual events, but it would be very hard to do the same when it comes to the networking. Meeting face to face has dynamics incomparable to using Zoom. I am sure we will be back doing these things as soon as it becomes possible again.


Thanks for stopping by, Polygamia!

The original interview can be found here:,6674621547604640a


PCF Group S.A. nabyło 100% udziałów w kanadyjskiej spółce Game On Creative, Inc.

People Can Fly kontynuuje swoją ekspansję w Ameryce Północnej i nabywa 100% udziałów w kanadyjskim studiu Game On

Warszawa, 27.04.2021 r.

Miło nam poinformować, że PCF Group S.A. (People Can Fly) nabyło 100% udziałów w spółce Game On Creative, Inc. (dalej Game On), z siedzibą w Montrealu, Quebec, Kanada. Szczegóły transakcji PCFG S.A. podała w swoim dzisiejszym raporcie bieżącym.

Game On istnieje od 2002 roku i specjalizuje się przede wszystkim w produkcji motion capture, cinematików oraz audio dla największych firm z branży gier. Zatrudnia blisko 30 specjalistów. Studio współpracowało między innymi z Electronic Arts, Sony Interactive Entertainment i Xbox Games Studios. Więcej informacji o firmie można znaleźć na stronie:

Game On jest także wieloletnim partnerem produkcyjnym studia People Can Fly. Game On odegrał istotną rolę w procesie powstawania gry OUTRIDERS, której światowa premiera miała miejsce 1 kwietnia 2021 roku. People Can Fly jest producentem gry, a jej
wydawcą – Square Enix.

Akwizycja Game On Creative, Inc. to element realizacji naszej strategii rozwoju, którą ogłosiliśmy wchodząc na warszawską Giełdę Papierów Wartościowych. Jako nasz zaufany partner, Game On wzmocni nasze kompetencje w zakresie animacji, cinematików i audio przy tworzeniu tytułów AAA oraz w realizacji kilku dużych projektów jednocześnie. Po przejęciu, Game On nie będzie pracował dla nas na wyłączność – Spółka zachowuje swoją niezależność w pracy z innym podmiotami z branży gier, a Sam Girardin pozostaje jej CEO.” – komentuje Sebastian Wojciechowski, CEO PCF Group S.A.

Sam Girardin obejmuje także funkcje Prezesa Zarządu i Studio Head w spółce People Can Fly Canada.” – pointuje Wojciechowski.

PCF Group S.A. to już globalny gracz; firma, która w ostatnich latach niezwykle dynamicznie się rozwija. Dołączenie do People Can Fly to dla nas strategiczny krok, który wesprze nasz rozwój technologiczny oraz wzmocni ofertę produkcji wysokiej jakości treści dla naszych klientów.” – dodaje Sam Girardin, CEO Game On.

Wraz w nabyciem Game On, People Can Fly powiększyło zespół do ponad 350 osób na całym świecie.

Przejęcie zespołu deweloperskiego Phosphor Games

Przejęcie zespołu deweloperskiego Phosphor Games


Warszawa, 23.04.2021 r.

Mamy przyjemność poinformować, że PCF Group przejęło zespół deweloperski Phosphor Games w ramach nowoutworzonej spółki – People Can Fly Chicago.

Założony w 2009 roku Phosphor Games, LLC, to średniej skali, niezwykle doświadczony zespół deweloperski kierowany przez Justina Corcorana, Jaroda Pranno oraz Chipa Sineniego. Phosphor tworzy gry z wykorzystaniem silnika Unreal Engine, a w jego portfolio znajdują się takie tytuły jak The Brookhaven Experiment, Heroes Reborn: Gemini oraz Nether.

Dla naszego zespołu otwiera się nowy rozdział.” – mówi Justin Corcoran, CEO Phosphor Studios.

Jesteśmy bardzo podekscytowani, że dołączamy do People Can Fly, aby otworzyć zupełnie nowe studio gier z segmentu Triple-A – People Can Fly Chicago. Naszym celem jest wzmocnienie obecności PCF w USA oraz pomoc w budowaniu globalnej marki People Can Fly.” – podkreśla Justin.

Przejęcie zespołu Phosphor Games jest elementem wdrażania naszej strategii, ogłoszonej w ramach IPO PCF Group S.A. Biorąc pod uwagę różnorodność prowadzonych przez nas projektów, potrzebujemy doświadczonych i ambitnych profesjonalistów, którzy pomogą nam je zrealizować.” – mówi Sebastian Wojciechowski, Prezes Zarządu PCF Group.

Mając na uwadze jakość i doświadczenie zespołu Phosphor Studios będzie on istotnym uzupełnieniem grupy PCF i pomoże nam szybciej się rozwijać. Witamy na pokładzie!” – dodaje Wojciechowski.

People Can Fly zostało założone w 2002 roku i zalicza się do grona najlepszych polskich producentów gier z segmentu AAA. PCF działa w Warszawie, Rzeszowie, Łodzi, Nowym Jorku, Newcastle i Montrealu. PCF jest pionierem rynku gier wideo typu shooter i jest znane z takich tytułów jak Painkiller, Bulletstorm oraz niedawno wydanego shootera RPG, Outriders.

People Can Fly pracuje obecnie nad dwoma innymi projektami klasy AAA: nową grą dla wydawcy Square Enix oraz niedawno ogłoszoną, oryginalną, przygodową grą akcji dla Take-Two Interactive.

People Can Fly zadebiutowało na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie w grudniu 2020 roku.

Wraz z otwarciem PCF Chicago, People Can Fly powiększyło zespół do ponad 320 osób na całym świecie.

Więcej informacji o People Can Fly:

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