Happy World Day for Cultural Diversity!

Diversity of the modern working environment is both one of the greatest things about it and one of the biggest challenges for any company. Accommodating many different backgrounds and cultures, and facilitating communication between them is something we all need to be mindful of on a daily basis. Today’s World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, more commonly known simply as Diversity Day, is a great and important occasion to discuss the impact of a diverse environment on company’s everyday life… and here at PCF we have Aviators of over 30 nationalities already! So we feel we have something interesting to add to the conversation. Without further ado, let’s pass the topic to our HR department. They will explain in more detail how we approach diversity in PCF and how we offer solutions to the various issues that may arise.

How many people from around the world People Can Fly is hiring? How diverse is the PCF team?

We already have almost 350 people in 7 studios in 4 countries and we’re not stopping there! Even though we started as a Polish gamedev studio back in 2002, we’re now a truly international company with an increasingly diverse team and we couldn’t be happier about it, as this brings a real value to our everyday work. Our team consists of people of over 30 nationalities. What we all have in common is the passion for gaming.

How is diversity beneficial from a company’s point of view?

I think that even in a creative industry such as gamedev there’s always a risk of becoming stagnant and repetitive. The influx of new people from different backgrounds, of different cultures, who have varying experiences and know-how, helps us to add new points of view and bring fresh ideas to the table. The diversity of the company is also a great added value to our team of Aviators. Everyone can feel included and welcome, no matter who they are and where they come from. And working in a diverse team is definitely interesting, fun and a valuable source of knowledge.

People Can Fly is strongly supporting newcomers when it comes to the relocation process. Could you tell us more about it?

That’s entirely true. We understand how stressful and complicated the relocation can be. So that’s where we step in and guide the new employee at every stage of the process. We offer relocation packages, which include tickets and temporary accommodation booking, help with transportation of personal belongings, support with finding the apartment for rent. We take care of the legalization of work and stay processes of employees and their families.

In addition, we also support them on a daily basis, whenever they need our help. We understand that relocation is a big step in our employees’ life and that’s why we support them with even small things such as opening bank accounts or setting up a doctor’s appointment. It’s important for us to make their life in a new country as easy and stress-free as possible.

What do you think is the most challenging aspect of working in a diverse environment?

The logistics of work is something we need to plan for carefully, as our Aviators are scattered throughout different countries and timezones. There’s also the remote work that we implemented for our teams’ safety during the pandemic. So it was easy to have communication problems. Thankfully, good communication was always our priority and strong point, so we managed to keep the teamwork running quite smoothly despite difficult circumstances and to ship a really great game in the process.

What do all PCF Aviators have in common?

We all want to create great games and have fun doing it. That’s the thing that drives us. All of our Aviators are also professionals in their respective fields, from the development teams, through QA to backoffice. All of us feel responsible for bringing in the best quality and work as a team to create something we can all be proud of.


Outriders surpasses 3.5 million unique players in the first month.

SQUARE ENIX® announced today that OUTRIDERS®, the high-intensity RPG-Shooter where survival demands aggression, surpassed 3.5 million unique players worldwide in its first month (April 1 – May 1, 2021), according to internal data. With acclaim from both players and critics across the globe, OUTRIDERS is on track to become the company’s next major franchise.

With over 3.5 million unique players, average play times of over 30 hours and extremely high engagement for co-operative play, we and the amazing team at People Can Fly are so excited with this initial success,” said Jon Brooke, Co-Head of Studio at Square Enix External Studios. “Launching a new game IP is never easy and we remain very grateful for the community’s support and feedback – we continue to listen carefully and want to assure everyone that we are committed to improving and enhancing the experience in the coming weeks and months. We also look forward to expanding on Outriders in the future.”

OUTRIDERS is a hard-hitting RPG-Shooter set in an original dark sci-fi world. The last of humanity slowly bleeds out in the trenches of the wild and unforgiving world of Enoch, and you awake as one of the last of the Outriders and an Altered, infused with incredible powers. Journey across a hostile planet where everything has hyper-evolved to kill you. Choose from four different classes and use deep and flexible character customisation to build your own play style, collect twisted and beautiful guns and gear, and wield destructive and dominating powers. Stay aggressive, kill to heal and take the fight to your enemies in single player or with up to three players in co-op, as you explore the unknown across an epic story campaign.

Watch the latest OUTRIDERS trailer here:
Outriders Trailer 

Check out some OUTRIDERS player stats here:
Square Enix Press Site

Free OUTRIDERS demo is currently available on PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation®4, Xbox One, as well as Steam and GeForce Now on PC.

OUTRIDERS launched on April 1, 2021, and is available now on PlayStation®5; PlayStation®4; Xbox Series X|S; Xbox One; Steam, Epic Games Store and GeForce NOW on PC; and Google Stadia.

For more information, visit

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