


“PCF Group expects “Outriders” to approach break-even next year” – CEO interview with Polish Press Agency

The PCF Group expects “Outriders” to approach the break-even point next year, after an expansion of the game is released – tells PAP Biznes the firm’s CEO Sebastian Wojciechowski. The company continues to work on two new contracted projects: “Dagger” and “Gemini”, one of them already in advanced pre-production. The studio’s self-published game is also being prepared but it is still a question if the players and investors will hear news about it next year.

I expect that after the release of the ‘Worldslayer’ expansion we will get close to the break-even point with “Outriders”. Additional costs related to the new content do not cause any dramatic changes in the project’s profit and loss account, although obviously the ‘Worldslayer’ development costs increased the total costs to be settled in the “Outriders” project. However, on release we will start to see additional revenues with no further costs of works being incurred – that will be good for profitability” – tells PAP Biznes Sebastian Wojciechowski, CEO and core shareholder of the PCF Group.

The game “Outriders” released this April is the largest yet production from PCF, developed for the Japanese publisher Square Enix. On top of the development fee, the Polish firm expects royalties (although their percentage has not been disclosed), but only after Square Enix reaches a sales level sufficient to cover the publisher’s costs, including game development and marketing. Despite the relatively strong sales, estimated by PCF in August at two-three million copies, the break-even point is yet to be achieved.

Currently, the Polish developer works on “Worldslayer” – a major expansion for the game to be presented for the first time this spring. It may be a major project because, as PCF disclosed in its Prospectus, the work on this “Outriders” expansion commenced already in the first quarter of 2020.

The game attracted quite a lot of interest on release but at the same time received a fair share of negative reviews from the players, mainly caused by technical problems with the online game. CEO Wojciechowski believes that “Outriders” could have been more successful were it not for the issues accompanying its release, partly caused by the pandemic outbreak.

The demo (a pre-release demo version of the game – PAP) generated strong interest in the game, it was a great idea. Later, however, at release, we encountered some problems, both with the infrastructure and the game itself, and some of the momentum was lost. It is a lesson for us and – I suppose – for the publisher too, that some things require extra diligence”.

The reviews we are seeing today are a good indicator of what we could have achieved from the start. I will not try to hide behind the pandemic but, objectively, COVID did not do us any good. We were on a short final without external QA – our partners could not work due to safety reasons and the market did not have enough time to fully shift to effective remote work”.

Today, 65 percent out of 40 thousand reviews on Steam are positive, which ranks as “mixed” reviews. However, from mid-November, as the New Horizons DLC was released, the reviews started to improve. As much as 80 percent of the last month’s reviews are positive.

Along with the support for “Outriders”, PCF continues work on two other high-budget (“triple-A”) games under contracts with external publishes: “Gemini” has been in development since the first quarter of 2020 in cooperation with Square Enix, and in July 2020 the firm signed a contract with Take-Two Interactive for a game under the working title “Dagger”. Both games should be released before the end of 2024.

Both projects: ‘Dagger’ and ‘Gemini’, are still in the pre-production phase. I can only say that one of these two projects has advanced quite far into that phase” – says Wojciechowski.

The firm’s third quarter results, boosted by three external contracts, significantly surpassed the analysts’ expectations.

The Q3 profit after tax shoot through our PAP Biznes consensual forecast by 120 percent, reaching PLN 24.7 million, and the revenues exceeded the forecasts average by more than 20 percent, reaching PLN 54.5 million. Since the publication of the Q3 results, the share price went up approximately by 20 percent, back to its level from August.


The PCF Group’s core business is the cooperation with global publishers, however the firm also works on a new game, to be developed and published in-house.

I cannot say right now if an announcement will be made next year. The project is now in pre-production” says Wojciechowski.

“In this project we want to lean on cooperation with the gaming community, in particular because it is our own IP. We need not rely on third-party solutions provided by publishers. The whole responsibility for the project, for all its elements, is on us. We have gathered a new, excellent global team to handle it. The game is being developed in the USA.”

The firm is yet to reveal the game genre, but the studio’s track record points to a shooter. CEO Wojciechowski readily admits that the PCF’s genre of choice is the most competitive field, but at the same time shooters attract more players than any other games.

Because of that there are many firms trying to thrive like we do, by making action games or shooters. Obviously, it is not easy to mark your place here. Many games go completely unnoticed.

In line with the firm’s strategy, the proprietary game’s development will be conducted alongside the work for external publishers.

We commit a lot to this game, but by far not all. Our strategy is to continue the cooperation with publishers in parallel to our own development and publishing efforts under the PCF brand. This is our first attempt and we invest heavily, but also reasonably. To use soccer phraseology – we are not afraid to tackle, but we do make sure that we can keep our balance” explains Wojciechowski.

In response to our question whether, after 2024, the company will continue to combine own projects and publishers’ contracts CEO said “Our strategy post-2024 will be driven by many factors. For instance, whether we will grow organically or take leaps through acquisitions. It also depends on how successful the games we are now developing will be”.


The Group works on concepts for the next two games. Wojciechowski says these projects may not be fully developed and published by PCF itself.

We are open to commercializing them with an external partner. However, we want to take them up to a milestone that will give us an entirely different negotiating position with publishers” he says.

There are many factors to consider in deciding whether we talk to publishers or self-publish” he adds.

The firm has recently announced in a strategy update its intention to publish games in new genres.

We can see a geyser of energy in our group, a will to do new things, and we want to have these projects under our wing. We want to creatively build on our experience, look for new inspirations, a new climate. We see new exciting perspectives for the studio’s future” tells PAP Biznes Mateusz Kirstein, PCF Chief Marketing Officer.

What we conveyed in our strategy update is that we are open to new game genres, rather than to something completely foreign. We must build on what we currently do well ¬– our value for potential partners would suffer had we strayed from it” adds Wojciechowski.

CEO explains that the new concepts are not on a rigid timeline.

From the point of view of a firm like PCF, conceptual work is not expensive. We set no deadlines. It is better to do it well than to do it quickly”, he says and adds that such work can be discontinued before pre-production or even later, if the potential of conceptual assumptions is not proved in a game prototype.

The firm is open to new game concepts.

If we see more new good concepts we will naturally want to nurture them, give them a chance and support, first intellectually, then by building a team around them. It does not take hundreds of participants and it is something we can afford”, says Wojciechowski.


The PCF Group used to estimate that its peak demand for staff when projects “Dagger” and “Gemini” move out from pre-production will be approximately 300 game development professionals. However, given the number of concurrently pursued projects, it is already clear that they will need more.

We already have this many (approximately 300 – PAP) employees and associates, but we also already know that we will need more. In the meantime, we have started our proprietary project and we have two more lined up that will need to be staffed as they leave pre-production”, says CEO.

However, Wojciechowski is not worried about the pace of recruitment. The head of PCF believes that the group can relatively easily recruit new staff because it is present in several countries, with three offices in Poland (Warsaw, Rzeszów, Łódź), two in the USA (New York, Chicago) and one in each of Canada (Montreal) and United Kingdom (Newcastle).

The firm’s employment has indeed been growing quickly recently. The two months from the end of September to the end of November saw an increase in employment by approximately 30 employees, up to 450. Out of this number 133 employees are US residents who work for PCF remotely, as do some of the teams in Poland. Nevertheless, in the CEO’s view, it is too early to assess the ramifications of shifting the Group to partially remote work.

We would need to complete several development cycles and compare them to historical data, but even then it would be very difficult due to technology variables, such as the new generation of consoles. Even within our Group we see different approaches to remote work. In Warsaw, for instance, nearly half of the team regularly appears in the office. In the United States – everybody works remotely”, he says.

Judging by the progress of our projects, things are looking quite good. Remote work relieves us of at least one major issue which is staff relocation”, he adds.


While growing organically, the firm also thinks about further acquisitions. This year, the PCF Group has already acquired the Canadian company Game On and a game development team in Chicago which formed the core of the firm’s new studio.

We conduct various negotiations but it is too early to declare that something is going to happen in the nearest future”, says Wojciechowski.

We certainly want to expand in those geographic areas where we already have a foothold ¬– with infrastructure already in place it is that much easier to hook up another car. So, we are open to various options in Europe and North America. We are currently not planning to expand in Asia”, he adds.

The company is active on the M&A market but, as CEO Wojciechowski declares, it will not be too aggressive in spending its liquid funds. Those funds will also be necessary to work on the proprietary game and to increase the scale of work on the concept projects. As at the end of September, the Company had approximately PLN 150 million of cash in banks.

Inquired about acquisitions in Poland, the head of PCF said that at this stage of development finding an interesting target in Poland is relatively harder than elsewhere.

In terms of the number of teams capable of developing a triple-A game, there is a scarcity in Poland. We see it more clearly now, that we have access to the talent pool in the United States, where new hires with experience from several triple-A projects are not uncommon. The inflow of such expertise is very constructive for the whole organization”, he says.

Łukasz Kucharski (PAP Biznes)


New Horizon Update Available on November 16, Additional Expansion Announced For 2022

Together with our partners at SQUARE ENIX, we are excited to announce New Horizon, a major new completely free update for Outriders.

Watch the Outriders New Horizon Spotlight here:

The huge and completely free New Horizon update to Outriders launches on November 16 and introduces four new Expeditions, an all-new Transmog system, removed timers in Expeditions, new weapon skins, rebalanced Classes, Skills and Mods, and an overhaul to Tiagos Expedition store and his vendor items, as well as many more general improvements and updates to the game.  This massive update acts as the culmination to the months-long work to improve the Outriders player experience.

And finally, the secrets of Enoch will continue to be explored in Outriders Worldslayer, a full expansion coming 2022. Stay tuned for the full reveal in spring 2022.

Watch the Outriders Worldslayer Teaser here:

We’ve been hard at work improving the Outriders experience and with the free New Horizon update we’ve improved and addressed the majority of player feedback ahead of our major 2022 expansion – Worldslayer”. said Jon Brooke, Co-Head of Studio at Square Enix External Studios. “So there’s no better time than now to start, restart or continue your journey through Enoch in what is now the ultimate version of Outriders.”

For more information, watch the rest of Outriders Broadcast ‘A New Horizon’ here:

Further details and expanded change lists, including bug fixes, can be found in our mega-blog.

The completely free Outriders New Horizon update will be live on November 16, 2021 by 5:00pm GMT / 6:00pm CET / 9:00am PST.

Outriders is available now on PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, Google Stadia and Nvidia GeForce Now.

For more information, visit

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PCF Group S.A. nabyło 100% udziałów w kanadyjskiej spółce Game On Creative, Inc.

People Can Fly kontynuuje swoją ekspansję w Ameryce Północnej i nabywa 100% udziałów w kanadyjskim studiu Game On

Warszawa, 27.04.2021 r.

Miło nam poinformować, że PCF Group S.A. (People Can Fly) nabyło 100% udziałów w spółce Game On Creative, Inc. (dalej Game On), z siedzibą w Montrealu, Quebec, Kanada. Szczegóły transakcji PCFG S.A. podała w swoim dzisiejszym raporcie bieżącym.

Game On istnieje od 2002 roku i specjalizuje się przede wszystkim w produkcji motion capture, cinematików oraz audio dla największych firm z branży gier. Zatrudnia blisko 30 specjalistów. Studio współpracowało między innymi z Electronic Arts, Sony Interactive Entertainment i Xbox Games Studios. Więcej informacji o firmie można znaleźć na stronie:

Game On jest także wieloletnim partnerem produkcyjnym studia People Can Fly. Game On odegrał istotną rolę w procesie powstawania gry OUTRIDERS, której światowa premiera miała miejsce 1 kwietnia 2021 roku. People Can Fly jest producentem gry, a jej
wydawcą – Square Enix.

Akwizycja Game On Creative, Inc. to element realizacji naszej strategii rozwoju, którą ogłosiliśmy wchodząc na warszawską Giełdę Papierów Wartościowych. Jako nasz zaufany partner, Game On wzmocni nasze kompetencje w zakresie animacji, cinematików i audio przy tworzeniu tytułów AAA oraz w realizacji kilku dużych projektów jednocześnie. Po przejęciu, Game On nie będzie pracował dla nas na wyłączność – Spółka zachowuje swoją niezależność w pracy z innym podmiotami z branży gier, a Sam Girardin pozostaje jej CEO.” – komentuje Sebastian Wojciechowski, CEO PCF Group S.A.

Sam Girardin obejmuje także funkcje Prezesa Zarządu i Studio Head w spółce People Can Fly Canada.” – pointuje Wojciechowski.

PCF Group S.A. to już globalny gracz; firma, która w ostatnich latach niezwykle dynamicznie się rozwija. Dołączenie do People Can Fly to dla nas strategiczny krok, który wesprze nasz rozwój technologiczny oraz wzmocni ofertę produkcji wysokiej jakości treści dla naszych klientów.” – dodaje Sam Girardin, CEO Game On.

Wraz w nabyciem Game On, People Can Fly powiększyło zespół do ponad 350 osób na całym świecie.

Przejęcie zespołu deweloperskiego Phosphor Games

Przejęcie zespołu deweloperskiego Phosphor Games


Warszawa, 23.04.2021 r.

Mamy przyjemność poinformować, że PCF Group przejęło zespół deweloperski Phosphor Games w ramach nowoutworzonej spółki – People Can Fly Chicago.

Założony w 2009 roku Phosphor Games, LLC, to średniej skali, niezwykle doświadczony zespół deweloperski kierowany przez Justina Corcorana, Jaroda Pranno oraz Chipa Sineniego. Phosphor tworzy gry z wykorzystaniem silnika Unreal Engine, a w jego portfolio znajdują się takie tytuły jak The Brookhaven Experiment, Heroes Reborn: Gemini oraz Nether.

Dla naszego zespołu otwiera się nowy rozdział.” – mówi Justin Corcoran, CEO Phosphor Studios.

Jesteśmy bardzo podekscytowani, że dołączamy do People Can Fly, aby otworzyć zupełnie nowe studio gier z segmentu Triple-A – People Can Fly Chicago. Naszym celem jest wzmocnienie obecności PCF w USA oraz pomoc w budowaniu globalnej marki People Can Fly.” – podkreśla Justin.

Przejęcie zespołu Phosphor Games jest elementem wdrażania naszej strategii, ogłoszonej w ramach IPO PCF Group S.A. Biorąc pod uwagę różnorodność prowadzonych przez nas projektów, potrzebujemy doświadczonych i ambitnych profesjonalistów, którzy pomogą nam je zrealizować.” – mówi Sebastian Wojciechowski, Prezes Zarządu PCF Group.

Mając na uwadze jakość i doświadczenie zespołu Phosphor Studios będzie on istotnym uzupełnieniem grupy PCF i pomoże nam szybciej się rozwijać. Witamy na pokładzie!” – dodaje Wojciechowski.

People Can Fly zostało założone w 2002 roku i zalicza się do grona najlepszych polskich producentów gier z segmentu AAA. PCF działa w Warszawie, Rzeszowie, Łodzi, Nowym Jorku, Newcastle i Montrealu. PCF jest pionierem rynku gier wideo typu shooter i jest znane z takich tytułów jak Painkiller, Bulletstorm oraz niedawno wydanego shootera RPG, Outriders.

People Can Fly pracuje obecnie nad dwoma innymi projektami klasy AAA: nową grą dla wydawcy Square Enix oraz niedawno ogłoszoną, oryginalną, przygodową grą akcji dla Take-Two Interactive.

People Can Fly zadebiutowało na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie w grudniu 2020 roku.

Wraz z otwarciem PCF Chicago, People Can Fly powiększyło zespół do ponad 320 osób na całym świecie.

Więcej informacji o People Can Fly:

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