

People Can Fly and the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Poland, establish a strategic partnership to co-create a specialized university course of Computer Game Design, support young talents, pursue joint projects and scientific research, as well as to develop the gaming industry in the region. 

“Our University has followed trends on the Polish and international job markets for a long time. This is how we expand our educational offer and seek attractive business partners for particular lines of education. Today, the University of Information Technology and Management starts its cooperation with the Polish game developer People Can Fly.

“The main purpose of our agreement is to join forces in creating a specialized course of Computer Game Design with PCF as the official Partner. The students will have access to substantive support from the studio staff and an opportunity to expand their skills at workshops and lectures conducted by PCF professionals. The University will work hand in hand with PCF on new projects intended to increase the visibility and boost the significance of the gaming industry in the region”  says Professor Andrzej Rozmus, PH.D., Vice-Rector of the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów.

We have been present in Rzeszów for three years and we would like not only to emphasize this presence but also to strengthen the local gamedev. Our cooperation with the University is a token of our commitment: we hope that it will become a multi-thread and long-term alliance. Both parties are willing to give it a practical dimension: we will be inviting the best students to hone their skills in PCF Rzeszów.” says Mateusz Kirstein, head of the People Can Fly studio in Rzeszów. 

Game Design is an undergraduate course at the Computer Graphics and Multimedia Production faculty. The students learn to release their potential, use state-of-the-art labs as well as professional equipment and software. They also have the opportunity to develop their first game in the students’ GameDev studio. 

Further cooperation of the University with the PCF experts will help the graduates prepare for their future professional career – in Poland but also anywhere in the world. 

Click HERE, to read more about the Computer Game Design course. 

Learn more about UIT&M in Rzeszów:




Happy & Healthy New Year! 

Following the decision of our publisher, Square Enix, we are announcing new OUTRIDERS’ launch date. Our game will premiere on April 1st, 2021. And it’s not a joke. 

That’s due to the plan to release OUTRIDERS’ demo before the full game is out. 

Free demo will be available for you starting February 25th, 2021. 

It will give everyone the chance to play the first few hours of the game with all four classes – in both single player and co-op – along with seamless migration of the players’ character and progress to the full game.

We believe it’s important that our community will get to know a new IP like Outriders before release, so they can decide for themselves whether the game is something they wish to pre-order, purchase or play. 

We support Square’s decision as we feel it’s in line with what’s going on in the industry right now, with players’ expectations and PCF’s core values” – said Sebastian Wojciechowski, People Can Fly’s CEO. 

“We will, of course, use additional time to fine tune OUTRIDERS as we want to deliver the most complete experience to the players around the world when the game finally hits stores and online dashboards.” – added Wojciechowski. 

Stay tuned for more updates. 

Thanks for hanging tight a little longer – we appreciate your patience!

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